Why People Love This Magazine

Easy-on-the-eyes design. Large type. High-contrast colors.

No ads. No phone numbers. No current events.

No stories continued on another page.

Fun, engaging content. Poetry, quotes, humor, and more.

What People Are Saying

“I’m in love with this magazine. I use it in group settings and for one-on-one engagement.” – Memory Care Coordinator in Texas

“The magazine is perfect. Songs & Smiles is really filling a gap.” – Activities Director in Texas

“My mom is deep into her Alzheimer's journey. I am surprised she is able to read the magazine and enjoy it. Wow!” – Family caregiver in Texas

“I have read it to my wife several times. Every time she is awake and attentive.” – Family caregiver in Wisconsin

“All of our residents love the magazine.” – Activities Director in Texas

2023 GDUSA Health + Wellness Design Award Winner

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